Sunday, January 01, 2012

The Resolution

Things You Should Know
1. I’ve never tried this New Years Resolution thing before.
2. Agrarian means “of the land” ( also tells me it means: a person who favors the equal division of landed property and the advancement of agricultural groups. Since I'm not quite sure what "equal division of landed property" implies, for now I will go with "of the land").
3. Chris endeavours to be a farmer. (Look, Chris' farm!)
4. Chris and I have spent a lot of time talking about sourcing local.
5. Buying local supports independent business and reduces negative environmental impact. 

The Resolution
Spend one year buying only regionally local food and clothing. (ie. We live in Ontario, so we will buy Ontario products – the closer to home the better.  If traveling we will buy locally within that region). Where we can’t purchase local, we will purchase used or fair trade.

The purpose of this resolution isn’t to push ourselves to extremes, but to see what we are able to find and to document our progress and what we discover. 

1. We like eating out with friends, and because local sourced restaurants are more expensive, we will follow our friends’ leads in these circumstances.
2. Free coffee from work and gifts will be accepted (please note: gifts are ALWAYS accepted).
3. I expect this list will grow as we discover limitations to our plan.

1. I love discount clothing shopping and in order to indulge this vice I went to an outlet mall in the states and shopped me some great deals because I knew with my resolution I would not be able to do this for a year.
2. I am not well researched on the topic of buying local and the resultant environmental impact but generally think it's a great idea. As I learn more I will share more and avoid getting on a soap box. Chris knows more than me, and I will try and keep him off the soap box too!

Wish us luck! Tips on local finds welcome!!


  1. what a cool idea! good luck, guys :)

  2. I'm glad you're going ahead with this! I look forward to reading your tales of success and frustration both... hopefully more of the former.
    Great picture!
