It appears I have some blog commitment issues. Sorry blog, it's not you it's me. Maybe we can be friends.
As a sign of my commitment to our friendship, I am going to start writing in you again. Why you ask? I like writing, and I think I’m not bad at it. And I would like to get good at it. Maybe even very good (novel by 40, anyone?). So I am going to try and breathe some life into our stale relationship and start posting again.
As a sign of my commitment to our friendship, I am going to start writing in you again. Why you ask? I like writing, and I think I’m not bad at it. And I would like to get good at it. Maybe even very good (novel by 40, anyone?). So I am going to try and breathe some life into our stale relationship and start posting again.
First, let me start with a recap: The year of 2012 was resolved to be a year of
local eating. This lasted until September of 2012. Then we moved to Keswick and I lost
the will to live. I mean blog. I also lost access to local food for the most
part. Keswick has lots of awesomely affordable grocery stores, but
unfortunately affordable and local don't go well together. What with buying a house and trying to set up a house, I had no energy for long distance driving in order to finish the resolution. But I am proud of the nine months of local eating we accomplished. It's like we made a local food baby.
Out of this local food baby also came interest in other ways of living sustainably, healthily, and ethically. I spent a bunch of time thinking about/researching sustainable energy use in the home, environmentally friendly personal care and household products, healthy/balanced diets, and more. I have made some inroads on these topics, and will use this blog to document and share what I have found on this mission. I will also conclude last year's resolution (which included buying local/ethically made clothing) with a blog post or two sharing what I found while attempting this.
Also, speaking of locally grown, Chris and I are currently producing some locally sourced offspring (local, in this context, means my uterus). I imagine this will also lead to some blog posts. So stay tuned for that as well!
Also, speaking of locally grown, Chris and I are currently producing some locally sourced offspring (local, in this context, means my uterus). I imagine this will also lead to some blog posts. So stay tuned for that as well!
And therefore, it is with renewed blenergy (blogging energy), I commit to writing more often. So... blog, ...can we be friends?
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